Product Development and Branding

Sharing food on social media is not a new concept, in fact, it's pretty much part of our culture to snap a picture of our meals and share it. I decided to do a case study where I designed a social media platform optimized for sharing food-related content.
What is missing in current social media platforms?
1. The ability to view and follow recipes while your hands are dirty.
2. A way to view a list of people's favourite restaurants.
3. A simple way to see a recipe and add the ingredients to your grocery list.
4. An easy way to search and view reviews of restaurant dishes at restaurants before you buy.
1. The ability to view and follow recipes while your hands are dirty.
2. A way to view a list of people's favourite restaurants.
3. A simple way to see a recipe and add the ingredients to your grocery list.
4. An easy way to search and view reviews of restaurant dishes at restaurants before you buy.
The Solutions.
1. Recipes posted in short video clips that can be played, replayed and skipped with voice command.
2. A top ten restaurant list on people's profiles.
3. Each recipe will have a record of all the ingredients and you can just click add to cart.
4. Post dish reviews at restaurants that include a photo.
1. Recipes posted in short video clips that can be played, replayed and skipped with voice command.
2. A top ten restaurant list on people's profiles.
3. Each recipe will have a record of all the ingredients and you can just click add to cart.
4. Post dish reviews at restaurants that include a photo.
UX/UI Design